Digital meets Culture
Export date: Sun Mar 30 21:34:03 2025 / +0000 GMT

The international scholarly open access journal Arts accepting paper proposal on NFT art

The international scholarly open access journal Arts is now inviting submissions for the Special Issue “NFTs, Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, Metaverse: The Web3 Revolution that Has Transformed the Art Market”.

Are accepted original academic papers (6,000-8,000 words), based on either qualitative or quantitative research methods. Both theoretical and empirical contributions that address the contemporary digital art trends from a multidisciplinary perspective and examine their significance for the current state and future evolution of the art market will also be considered.

Please send a short abstract (250-300 words) and your CV to Dr. Elena Sidorova ( till 01 April 2024. The deadline for submitting full-length articles for peer-review is set for 01 June 2024.

Read more at this link.
Download the full Call for Papers here (PDF, 27,4 KB).