Open Archives 5th Conference with ArchivCamp!

cropped-1.-Akteneinsicht_Wensierski-1The opening of the Stasi Records was a unique act following the Peaceful Revolution of 1989 turning the archive into a role model for many post-dictatorial societies. With the enactment of the Stasi Records Act on January 2, 1992, citizens for the first time were able to view their files in order to clarify the influence the Stasi had on their fate. The former Stasi headquarters meanwhile was turned into an educational site addressing issues of dictatorship and resistance, as well as a learning space for democracy. This unique location will be host to the fifth edition of the “Open Archives”-conference in Berlin, to which we invite you on 4th and 5th of November 2019, on the 30th anniversary of the Peaceful Revolution.
Part of the program (german long-version: ) are thought-provoking keynotes and short lectures and a panel discussion on archives, digital and cultural policy on November, 4th – with Roland Jahn (Federal Commissioner for the Stasi Records), Gerald Maier (President of the State Archives of Baden-Wuerttemberg), Helene Hahn (Wikimedia Deutschland), Erhard Grundl (MdB, spokesman for cultural policy of the Alliance90 / The Green party’s parliamentary group) and Martin Rabanus (MdB, spokesman for culture and media, SPD parliamentary group).
But the program has more to offer! A BarCamp allows participants on both days of the conference the opportunity for low-threshold, but also intense discussion. Topics can be contributed spontaneously. Established ways of thinking in the traditional world of archiving can be challenged! (BarCamp-session-call:
Location: The Federal Commissioner for the Stasi Records (BStU)
Stasi headquarters. Campus for Democracy 
“Haus 22”, Ruschestrasse 103, 10365 Berlin
More informations and free registration:
More informations about “Open archives”-initiatives in Germany and the working-group via

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