Open call: the Festival of the New European Bauhaus


From science to art, from design to politics, from architecture to technology, the Festival of New European Bauhaus will be a great opportunity to network, debate and shape a sustainable, inclusive and beautiful future.

The 2022 edition will be an hybrid event: the core activities will take place in Brussels with side events across the EU and beyond. It will propose live performances, exhibitions, participatory activities and a forum to discussion and exchange of ideas. The event aims to involve communities and the regions in putting the Green Deal into action as well as to build connections between different activities and individuals, bridging the fields of research, science and technology, to those of education and civil engagement, and of art, culture and architecture.

Beauty, sustainability and inclusiveness will be the main themes of the Festival.

The three pillars of the Festival:

The Fest: a cultural programme with a range of performances, art pieces, creative participatory activities, and festivities in associated pop-up spaces in Brussels.

The Fair: exhibitions spread across the city to display projects and products that support the values of the New European Bauhaus, with networking opportunities for visitors and exhibitors.

The Forum: an online platform broadcasting debates in Brussels, as well as side-events across the world, to debate on the key themes of the New European Bauhaus:

  • sustainability, from climate goals, to circularity, zero pollution, and biodiversity
  • aesthetics, quality of experience and style, beyond functionality
  • inclusion, from valuing diversity, to securing accessibility and affordability

The Festival offers many opportunities for involvement for individuals and groups who can propose their own activities, projects, venues or side events to become a spotlight feature of the three pillars of the Festival.
The call is addressed to individual artists and cultural actors, collectives of artists, projects, public organizations, non-governmental organizations and any other non-profit organization, and it will be open until 7 March 2022.

More detailed information are available at


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