Open Dialogue for the preparation of the PREFORMA tender


OpenDialogueLogoPREFORMA aims to ensure the establishment of a process of Open Dialogue between the memory institutions and the technology providers who develop the software. The memory institutions will define the functional requirements of the tender based on the outcome of the Open dialogue.

This process has already started and the following activities have been planned:

  • The establishment of a task force to build consensus on the preservation formats that will be validated by the PREFORMA toolset, focusing in particular on the audiovisual domain (PDF/A for texts and TIFF/JPEG2000 for still images are already agreed).
  • An open consultation about the tender to get an understanding of the needs of the individual memory institutions as to conformance checking and agree on a joint user model that integrates all the individual requirements.
  • The organization of a workshop in Brussels on the 5th of March 2014 targeted to the memory institutions to agree on the functional requirements and technical specifications of the reference implementation tools to be developed in PREFORMA.
  • The organisation of a public Information Event in Brussels on the 4th of April 2014 for exchange and consultation with potential suppliers and to present the PREFORMA call for tender.
  • The organisation of a networking session at the EGI Community Forum in Helsinki on the 21st of May 2014 as an additional opportunity to present the PREFORMA call for tender to the people attending the event and to collect feedback.

This page will be continuously updated with the progress and the outcomes of this process.

Contact us at to obtain more information on the procurement or to ask for any specific question. We will make sure that your requests will be forwarded to all the relevant parties and that they will be taken into account in the design of the tender functional requirements and technical specification.


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