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Participatory approaches for territorial cohesion - REACH International Workshop

20190715 arch. exc with childrenThe third REACH international workshop will take place on the 26th November at the Oficina de Proyectos Internacionales (OFPI) in Granada.

It will be organized by University of Granada, REACH Partner and Leader of REACH Rural Heritage Pilot.


This event aims to investigate the value of participatory preservation of Cultural Heritage specifically agrarian/rural heritage and cultural landscapes; it will address the themes of territorial cohesion and involvement of rural communities.

The workshop will start from the the experiences and lessons learnt during the participatory activities carried out in the MEMOLA project (Mediterranean Mountainous Landscapes) coordinated by UGR and specific cases of good practices and social innovation will be analysed.

The event will be attended by local administrations, territorial communities, academics and citizens' organizations.

Click here for the programme

The workshop will take place in Granada at Oficina de Proyectos Internacionales (OFPI) Vicerrectorado de Investigación y Transferencia - University of Granada, C/ Gran Vía de Colón, 48, 2ª Planta.