Digital meets Culture
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Participatory Governance and Models in Culture and Cultural Tourism

This book has been developed within the framework of the INCULTUM project, funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme.

Authored by Kamila Borseková, Katarína Vitálišová, Alexandra Bitušíková and reviewed by Antonella Fresa and Agnieszka Rzenca, the publication was developed by the Matej Bel University in the frame of WP4: Policies and participatory models of INCULTUM.

The main purpose of the book is to define the key terms of participatory governance in culture, to identify and characterise the participatory models in culture, cultural tourism as a part of sustainable development, based on literature review, own knowledge, and experience from previous empirical studies and to demonstrate their application on the selected examples of good practices.

A real useful instruments for students, teachers and professionals who are interested to go deeper on the question of how participatory approaches can be beneficial for more harmonious governance, respectful development of territories and promotion of cultural tourism.

The book is freely accessible via the DOI link.