Digital meets Culture
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Photographic Memories Workshop in Leuven

On Friday, November 27th the E-Space Photography Pilot in collaboration with the Leuven City Archive hosted the “Photographic Memories Workshop”. Seniors, students, citizens of Leuven and surrounding areas were invited to join for a voyage in time, through the stories hidden in our photographic heritage and a Wet Collodion demonstration, and back to the present with the most modern digitization techniques.


Welcomed by the introduction of the Photography Pilot leader Fred Truyen, participants had the possibility to have their family photos digitized in high quality by digitization specialist Bruno Vandermeulen, to know better the City Archive and its photographic collections, and to enjoy a demonstration of the traditional Wet Collodion technique by photographer Frederik Van den Broeck. Throughout the day more than 210 photographs were collected and digitized under the licenses CC-BY-NC, CC-BY or Public Domain. Support about licencing was provided by colleague Barbara Dierickx of Packed.

fred and barbara

The day included the exhibition “All Our Yesterdays” that was again set up, featuring some of the images that had been digitized during the EuropeanaPhotography project and shown to the public only once before and for a very limited time (February-March 2015).

This event is part of the activities to prepare the Photography Hackathon taking place in Leuven in February 2016.

Read more about the event here.

The Photography hackathon: