Digital meets Culture
Export date: Sat Mar 29 9:47:51 2025 / +0000 GMT

PREFORMA presented at IBC 2015

oss15-verbruggenErwin Verbruggen from the Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision presented PREFORMA at the EBU Open Source Meetup at IBC 2015 in Amsterdam.

The presentation, which is available for download here, focused on the media conformance checking of AV files.


MediaConch, the conformance checker for AV files that is developed by MediaArea in the framework of PREFORMA, was also presented at the Conference. The presentation is available here.


oss15Just like last year, the Open Source Meetup at IBC featured a series of 5 minutes lightning talks on open source projects and use cases from the broadcast domain, covering topics on production, contribution and distribution, such as: graphics and video play-out, audio & video encoding, transcoding in the cloud, DAB+ radio broadcasting, .... for further information visit the Conference website.