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Remarkable outcomes for the REACH International Workshop on Rural Heritage

2019-12-025The last 26th November, the University of Granada, task leader of the Rural Heritage Pilot of the REACH project, held a Workshop on“Participatory Approaches for Territorial Cohesion”.

Aim of the meeting was to investigate the value of participatory preservation of Cultural Heritage in terms of research advancement and social innovation.

Taking example by the experiences collected in the framework of the MEMOLA project  focused on the recovery of Traditional Agrosystems, the main topic of discussion was to pinpoint Best Practices for involving local communities in the care and preservation of the rural areas by instilling awareness of its cultural and environmental value and promoting responsible behaviours and civil engagement.

In this general contest, several International professionals presented their own experiences, sharing reflections and researches.

In summary the topics of the presentations of the speakers:

  • Jesús Fernández Fernández, from Ecomuseo La Ponte, introduced the concept of Ecomuseum and related case studies

  • Paola Nella Branduini, from the Politecnico of Milan, presented the thirty-year experience of the Ticino park.

  • Sergio Couto González from  ICCA Consortium and Iniciativas Comunales, left his contribute on “Re-thinking the commons: collective governance as heritage for facing global challenges."

  • Manuela Martínez focused the presentation on the case study of La Vega and the action of preservation of the Granada's Hystoric Agrarian Territory.

  • Carolina Yacamán Ochoa, from the Complutense University of Madrid, introduced the cases study of the agrarian parc of Fuenlabrada and the legislative proposal of protection of soils of high agroecological value and of soils of agricultural interest.

The synergy e dynamism of debate were intense and positive so that participant could take advantage of this meeting by understanding different perceptions of rural heritage and all the problematic for it conservation, preservation and sustainability.

To learn more about the workshop: