Digital meets Culture
Export date: Mon Mar 31 21:07:22 2025 / +0000 GMT

Repurpose, Experience, Taste and Rethink Culture

How to creatively reuse & participate in digital culture: an event organized by NTUA with the support of PostScriptum, to present the WITH platform technology that is at the basis of E-Space Technical Space.

This one day conference brought together speakers from the ICT, Creative Industries and Cultural Heritage communities to present and discuss the impact of digital content on sustainable economic and social development.

It highlighted the growing efforts to share the wealth of cultural resources, research and knowledge found in institutional repositories in order to promote creativity, generated innovation and lead to richer interpretations of the past that improve our understanding of the national and European identity.

The event aimed to generate new perspectives and facilitate the creative re-use of  cultural heritage and associated metadata made available through online digital collections within a framework of creative experimentation and novel dialogue between multidisciplinary sectors,  explore the potential of crowdsourcing as a means of promoting increased public participation in core tasks such as collecting, describing, categorizing, or curating heritage collections.

During the event, there was a mix of inspiring talks and lively discussions on cultural heritage discoverability and creative reuse,  community engagement and the implicit business potential that lies in this. The newly founded  collaborative WITH platform was be demonstrated via focused presentations and showcased with applications to different spaces: Audio-Visual, Food & Drink, Museums & Art, Smart Cities.

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