ROCK Open Knowledge Week: Cultural Heritage Leading Urban Futures


The ten ROCK cities – Athens, Bologna, Cluj-Napoca, Eindhoven, Lisbon, Liverpool, Lyon, Skopje, Turin, and Vilnius – developed innovative solutions and demonstrated how heritage and cultural activities have essential importance for keeping the cities alive.

Culture and heritage can be the driving forces behind urban sustainability as well as the cultural interactions are surely at the core of the wellbeing of our societies.

The ROCK Open Knowledge Week was the occasion to share the results, lessons learned, and best practices collected during the project.

The meeting brought together local governments, policy makers, businesses and researchers looking for new ways in which cultural heritage can contribute to the regeneration, sustainable development, and economic growth of entire cities.

The Open Knowledge Week hold on-line on 27-30 October, and replaced the ROCK conference, originally scheduled on 14-15 May in Bologna, but cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Recordings of the event are available online. To find the session of your interest look in the programme and click on the “play” button.


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