Digital meets Culture
Export date: Thu Jul 18 11:15:42 2024 / +0000 GMT

Scintille: Sequence of lectures dedicated to the topic of technological innovation


Doppiozero, the non-profit web magazine, presents a programme of meetings dedicated to the theme of technological innovation.
Each session will last about two hours during which a speaker will introduce to the audience a "Spark",  in other words an idea, a project or an invention that changed and influenced somehow the daily life of everyone.
Focus of the speech are not just great inventions or theorems or formulas, but also small objects that have changed something important in our existence over the past 70 years.
The meetings are free and accessible to deaf and hearing-impaired people.
The initiative is organized by Officine Grandi Riparazioni Consortium(Turin) and the Association Doppiozero (Milan).
Next lecture, planned for the 24th of April, is entitled "Cryptic algorithm": Marco Bartocci, from the University of Genoa will explain what is an algorithm, facing controversial aspects and unanswered questions such as "Does our brain work in an algorithmic way?"
Further information are available on:
Next meetings:
Tuesday, 29 May h 18
iPhone (Tiziano Bonini, University of Siena)
Tuesday,19 June h 18
Carta di credito (Christian Marazzi, SUPSI Lugano)
Tuesday,17 July h 18
Pillola (Maria Nadotti, journalist, essayist e translator)
For more information: