Digital meets Culture
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Sharing Local Cultural Heritage through Europeana - LoCloud workshop


11th November, 14.30, at  Palazzo Coppini, via del Giglio 10, Florence, Italy.

The workshop, whose theme is "Sharing Local Culture through Europeana" will present LoCloud, its on-going activities and results achieved so far, including demonstrations of the services that the project is  developing to help make collections held by local institutions more widely available.  The workshop will start at 14.30 and will last the whole afternoon.

Objectives of the workshop:

  • To stimulate discussion and collaboration between curators, experts and stakeholdersin digital libraries, cultural heritage, tourism and local communities on new ways to make holdings more widely available.

  • To showcase the latest developments in supporting small and medium-sized cultural institutions in making their digitised collections available online via the Europeana portal through the LoCloud project.


Download the workshop flyer with agenda of the day (PDF, 908 Kb)

LoCloud project is developing a cloud-based infrastructure to be used by small and mediumsized local heritage institutions, to make their digital collections discoverable through Europeana (, the great Europeana digital library. Moreover, LoCloud will offer a series of services, including a geo-location tool, a collection management system, multilingual vocabularies for local history and archaeology, and historic placenames. These services will enrich the digital content, increasing its usefulness, and enhance the user's experience.

Learn More about LoCloud:


ICOMOSICOMOS is a global non-government organisation dedicated to the promotion of the application of theory, methodology, and scientific techniques to the conservation of the architectural and archaeological heritage. This year the General Assembly will focus on 'Heritage and Landscape as Human Values' and it will last for the entire week, from 9 to 14 November 2014.