“Smart Specialisation and the Heritage City”, ROCK workshop at the European Week of Regions and Cities

From 7 to 10 October 2019 in Brussels, the 17th edition of the European Week of Regions and Cities will be held, this year under the heading “Regions and Cities: Pillars of the EU’s Future”.
Sessions including Workshops, Participatory labs, Regions’ talks, Q & As on presented themes, Exhibitions will be offered.

european week 2019 Within the framework of this event will be the workshop “Smart Specialisation and the Heritage City”organized by the H2020 project ROCK on the morning 9th October.rock workshop imm

The workshop will be a great opportunity to discuss and strength the linkage between Cultural Heritage (CH) and the Smart Specialisation strategies (RIS3) now running all over Europe.

Smart specialization was a poor at city level, and this because local authorities were not involved adequate.


The discussion will focus on two main topics:

  • technology-driven challenges related to CH – which links to the RIS3 idea of prioritisation;
  • cross-innovation vectors involving CH – linked to the RIS3 concept of relatedness. (discussion facilitated by Prof. Christer Gustafsson from the University of Uppsala)

The workshop agenda, designed by partners of the Horizon 2020 ROCK project, including EUROCITIES and TASO, will include:

  • introductory statement by the European Commission (Framing CH at the innovation policy),
  • keynote by TASO (Talking to cities about S3)
  • the case study “Bologna and Emilia Romagna´s S3 joint approach to CH”,  jointly presented by the Regional Development Agency (ART-ER) and Comune di Bologna.


Further informations: here


Programme and registration: here

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