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SoPHIA – Social Platform for Holistic Impact Heritage Assessment aims to promote collective reflection within the cultural and political sector in Europe on the impact assessment and quality of interventions in historical environment and cultural heritage at urban level.
The Newsletter number 5 brings light to the environmental impacts produced by cultural heritage interventions when envisaging a holistic assessment model.
The bibliographical research on several documents addressing the environmental, social, economic and cultural domains allowed the project to create a map of best practices in the field, identify gaps and opportunities and acquired an understanding of all four domains and an overview of the state of the art in impact assessment methods.
Two of the three insights faced by this number regard the connection between Cultural Heritage, environment and natural landscapes wihile the third one announces the upcoming SoPHIA’s stakeholder virtual conference “Cultural Heritage – Rethinking Impact Assesments” that will be held on April 21-22, 2021.
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Direct link to Newsletter 5.


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