Digital meets Culture
Export date: Sun Dec 22 10:00:14 2024 / +0000 GMT

Successful results and high participation for EuroMed 2020 on line conference

During the 4 days conference a rich and varied agenda of project's presentations and workshops have shown new ways to conceived and manage cultural heritage, new challenges for digitization to foster engagement and social participation as well as new horizons to support the resilience of culture in its intangible and tangible dimensions.  The richness of the proposals had literally stuck participants to their videos during all day long. The event gathered 1063 participants from 77 different countries from all the continents of the world.
All conference was recorded and videos are progressively becoming available on the Digital Heritage Research Lab You Tube channel.
The 8th biannual European-Mediterranean (EUROMED) conference was co-organised by the UNESCO and the EU ERA Chairs on Digital Cultural Heritage. It brought together multidisciplinary researchers, policy makers, professionals, fellows, practitioners and stakeholders to explore some of the more pressing issues concerning Cultural Heritage today. In particular, the main goal of the conference was to focus on interdisciplinary and multi-disciplinary research on tangible and intangible Cultural Heritage, using cutting edge technologies for the protection, restoration, preservation, massive digitisation, documentation and presentation of the Cultural Heritage contents. At the same time, the event intended to cover topics of research ready for exploitation, demonstrating the acceptability of new sustainable approaches and new technologies by the user community, owners, managers and conservators of our cultural patrimony.

In the framework of the storytelling session of EuroMed 2020 conference, the REACH social platform presented a project paper title “The Reach Project Contribution to Protecting, Preserving and Valuing Tangible and Intangible Heritage through Participation”.
The involvement  in such alive event provided to REACH a unique occasion to create new liaisons and to widen the perspectives of participation in cultural heritage.

Video on REACH project presentation available here
Link to the Digital Heritage Research Lab You Tube channel
Euromed2020 conference webpage
Link to the REACH blog
Link to the REACH website