Dr. Marinos Ioannides offering to Isto Huvila the replica of one of the 3,000 years old manufact digitized by Cyprus University of Technology from the Swedish Museum
The Workshop on “Paradata, Metadata, & Data in 3D Digital Documentation for
Cultural Heritage: #DigitalTwins or #MemoryTwins“, organised by the UNESCO Chair on Digital Cultural Heritage, took place in Limassol (Cyprus) on 2/12/2024, in the ambit of the international conference EUROMED2024.
The Workshop involved many speakers and institutions from all across Europe with the intention of reviewing the outcomes and conclusions of two key webinars held under the auspice of the UNESCO Chair on DCH and the EU EUreka3D project in April and May 2024 with the intent to establish definitions for paradata and its applicability within the digitisation lifecycle.
Dr. Marinos Ioannides, director of UNESCO Chair on DCH at the Cyprus University of Technology, welcomed the participants to the conference. Prof. Antonella Fresa, Vice-President of EUreka3D project coordinator Photoconfortium, held a presentation (Presentation available for download>>) adressing the issues around the competence, quality and infrastructures needed to provide 3D digitalized objects in the ambit of cultural heritage. The workshop was concluded with a brain storming and discussion session between all participants.
Pictures from the event:

Isto Huvila from Uppsala University presents examples of paradata

Dr. Marinos Ioannides welcomes participants to EuroMed 2024 Conference

Antonella Fresa demonstrates the 3D Competences, Quality & Infrastructure: A need for everybody to Preserve the Story of the Past #MemoryTwin
EUreka3D project is co-financed by the Digital Europe Programme of the European Union.