Survey on 3D Repositories for Cultural Heritage


The Time Machine Organisation in collaboration with the Europeana Initiative have developed a survey seeking to better understand the existing landscape of digital European data infrastructures facilitating the storage of 3D cultural heritage datasets/digital objects. The questions address various topics covering metadata standards, the quality of 3D data, licensing for 3D data, and how the data can be accessed or shared and by whom. By answering these questions you will help us to better understand how 3D data is being managed, which will help us in shaping the future of the common European data space for cultural heritage.

We invite operators of data repositories (= infrastructures to store and manage digital files and their corresponding metadata such as digital archives, data collections, virtual research infrastructures, etc.) holding 3D data to participate in this survey.

Link to the survey on 3D data repositories

The survey is open until 8th April 2024.

Your insights will contribute to shaping the future of digital cultural heritage preservation, accessibility and reuse in Europe.

More information on Europeana Pro.



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