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Export date: Sun Sep 1 0:34:31 2024 / +0000 GMT

The HeLLo project final event

Due to the COVID-19 global crisis the Organizing Committee of the HeLLo project (Heritage Energy Living Lab Onsite) final event has come the decision on doing the HeLLo conference fully virtual.
The event will be held on September 28 from 2:15 PM (ITALIAN local time) until 6:30 PM.

The HeLLo project  final dissemination and communication event  will be mostly grounded on the developed in situ experiment and its results, outcome of the tested internal insulation technologies, in Palazzo Tassoni Estense (Ferrara, Italy), a 15th century listed building.

In particular, it will be an opportunity to:

  • remind the motivation of the project, framing it in the current international panorama

  • describe the technical characteristics of the project

  • revisit the room in Palazzo Tassoni Estense where the experiment is carried out and all the criticalities associated with the experiment itself

  • show the parameters that have been monitoring, where and how it is done

  • call up the technical worktable developed with the Heritage Authorities and present the three insulation technologies studied

  • present in detail the monitoring system and how data is being recorded

  • vidence the major frailties and difficulties faced in hygrothermal simulation

  • show and discuss the main results, namely through data collected in situ and the one obtained through simulation

  • present the main conclusions and show future work scenarios

To read more information and keep up-to-date with the registration, visit the dedicated web page.