Digital meets Culture
Export date: Sun Jun 30 14:34:34 2024 / +0000 GMT

The heritagization of the emigration from China

img. Part of the exhibition at the Overseas Chinese Museum of China, Beijing, source:

PAGODE - Europeana China is proud to host an expert blog written by dr. Martina Bofulin, Slovenian Migration Institute, Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts.

The blog explains how legacies from Chinese emigration are now taken into appropriate account as part of Chinese heritage. After the reforms from 1980s, a different view of this type of cultural heritage is giving the fair recognition to tangible and intangible expressions of Chinese culture flourished abroad.

For a long time considered to be traitors and agents of imperialism, Chinese emigrants are now turned from ideologically suspicious to patriotic, with their material and immaterial legacies being celebrated in China through museums, rituals, and monuments, in different ways at national and local level.

Read the full blog on PAGODE - Europeana China website.