Digital meets Culture
Export date: Mon Mar 31 23:29:01 2025 / +0000 GMT

The INCULTUM pilot as case study at the course of Tourism Science of Campus Foundation

At the beginning of October 2023, Prof. Enrica Lemmi, leader of the INCULTUM Pilot of San Pellegrino in Alpe, accompanied the students from the second year of the bachelor in Tourism Science of Campus Foundation to the location of the pilot., to spend a day discovering the area.

The students visited the ethnographic museum founded by Don Luigi Pellegrini, attended the theatrical performance created and acted by actress Elisabetta Salvatori and alos were able to talk to the local operators.

After this experience, the students were asked to develop tourist proposals linked to San Pellegrino in Alpe and to the ethnographic museum, imagining ways to enrich the existing offer and to open up new paths towards this destination.

On the 30th of November and the following 5th of December 2023, the students presented their projects in front of the commission consisting of the Prof. Enrica Lemmi and the research team composed of Adele Cogno, Andrea Pedri and Martina Pirrone.

The students were able to propose interesting and innovative papers that included the themes of sustainability, slow tourism and de-seasonalisation, perfectly in line with the values promoted by INCULTUM.

Screen-shot from the presentation of the students' works.