Digital meets Culture
Export date: Sun Jun 30 19:29:41 2024 / +0000 GMT

The new Roadmap poster @ "Creative reuse of cultural heritage and contemporary practices: challenges and opportunities in the digital world" International Conference, Tallinn 10-11 December 2015

audienceThis event, organized by the Estonian Ministry of Culture, in the framework of the EC funded Europeana Space project, intended to generate new perspectives for the wider re-use of cultural heritage and contemporary practices within a framework of creative experimentation and novel dialogue between multidisciplinary sectors. Next to interesting keynote speakers and round tables, the conference focused on the lessons learnt in the development of the project's outputs and on moving towards sustainable results.

Roadmpa-poster-@TallinnThe CIVIC EPISTEMOLOGIES project, represented by the Technical Coordinator, Antonella Fresa, had presented the new Roadmap's poster, that the Consortium has developed to continue the dissemination of the project also after the end of the funded life.

The conference was hosted at the astonishing location of the Niguliste Church in the Old Town of Tallinn. The Church was turned in a museum and also used for  conferences and as a concert hall.