Digital meets Culture
Export date: Mon Mar 31 21:13:45 2025 / +0000 GMT

The public deliverables of WP3 are available for download

The figure represents a map of the network of the cases compared along the research carried out in the "Measuring and Imagining" work package 3 of UNCHARTED. Each bullet/node represents a case, and lines connect cases if these are object of across-topic comparison. This graph aims to illustrate how complex is the scenarios of cases that have been explored in the studies.

UNCHARTED released the first results of the case studies carried out in the frame of the activities of work package 3.

Following the Report on WP3 case studies, delivered in December 2021, a wide range of case studies were implemented during 2022. We are glad to announce that four important deliverables have been published recently to report on the results of the research, to be shared with the research community:

All these deliverables are available for consultation and download on the UNCHARTED website in the section dedicated to WP3

The concluding documents, namely the Report on the conflicting dynamic of valuation in the cultural sphere and the complementary Synthetic summary of the debates at the UNCHARTED Central Event will be released in the coming months.

Stay tuned!