Digital meets Culture
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“The societal value of culture and the impact of cultural policies in Europe”: UNCHARTED at EVA 2021 Florence International online Conference

On June 14th 2021, the UNCHARTED project was presented at EVA Florence 2021, the “Foremost European Electronic Imaging Events in the Visual Arts”. The Conference was held at Palazzo del Pegaso, Regional Council of Tuscany, Florence and attended by participants on line.
The key aim of this yearly meeting is to provide a Forum for the user, supplier and scientific research communities to debate and exchange experiences, ideas and plans in the wide area of Culture & Technology. Participants receive up to date news on new EC and international arts computing & telecommunications initiatives as well as on projects in the visual arts field, in archaeology, history and other culture activities. It represents an important opportunity to promote working groups, new projects, technology and art exhibitions as well as to present scientific and technical demonstrations.
In this general context the UNCHARTED project was introduced by the Technical Coordinator, Antonella Fresa from Promoter srl, in the framework of session 5 “Access to the culture information” chaired by Enrico Del Re, University of Florence. After a brief description of the mission and the topic of research, Dott. Fresa presented the activities and events planned for the next future, in particular it was announced the first UNCHARTED workshop that will be held in Porto on September 2021 and will be the occasion to presents and discuss the first outputs of the project.
Download the presentation here.
Visit the UNCHARTED website regularly to follow the progress of the project and subscribe the Newsletter.