Digital meets Culture
Export date: Thu Jul 18 3:55:26 2024 / +0000 GMT expands with new itineraries about the city of Bologna

image sourced from is based on an interactive map of the Emilia-Romagna region, which localizes precisely architectural heritage and landscapes in the area, offering significant information on the sites that have been searched and pinpointed on the map. Thanks to the collaboration with CAI (the Italian Alpine Club), Regione Emilia Romagna (the Emilia Romagna Region), APT (the Office for Touristic Promotion) and the Atlante Nazionale dei Cammini (Atlas of Paths through Italy) it is possible to visualize the network of pathways throughout the region and discover which heritage sites can be found along a pathway or close by. There is also a selection of itineraries developed in collaboration with several associations active in Emilia-Romagna, such as the FIAB (Italian Federation of the Environment and Bicycle) and the TCI (Italian Touring Club).

The network of itineraries is constantly expanded with new proposals and pathways, such as the very recent itineraries named "Bologna Porticata" that promote a discovery on foot and by bike at the heart of Bologna city centre, and especially under the Portici,  recognized as world cultural heritage by UNESCO in 2021.

image sourced from is an open system, a tool which aims at promoting cultural heritage by providing data that is constantly updated and can be enriched also by users who upload their comments, communications and photographs. In the very near future, travelers will be able to create their own itineraries based on their interests and favorite ways of travel (train, bicycle, on foot…). The platform has evolved from the Web based Geographic System (WebGIS) that was developed on occasion of the earthquake that shook Emilia Romagna in 2012 and has become instrumental for the day to day management of preservation of cultural heritage sites in the region. has been developed by the Segretariato regionale del Ministero della cutlura per l'Emilia-Romagna (Regional Secretariat of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage, Activities and Tourism for Emilia-Romagna) and has been made possible by the “Ducato Estense” project, a project financed by the Ministry's Culture and Tourism plan (“Piano Cultura e Turismo”).
