UNCHARTED joins the Heritage Research Hub!


The Heritage Research Hub is a free and collaborative platform on and for the cultural heritage research community, created and managed by the Joint Programming Initiative on Cultural Heritage and Global Change (JPI CH) which is a EU Member-State-driven initiative created in 2010 and based on an instrument launched by the European Commission. The initiative brings together national research funding organisations, ministries, and research councils from Europe to address societal challenges in the European Research Area frame.

In addition to provide information about the JPI CH and its activities, the porpose of Heritage Research Hub is create an online location where everyone involved in cultural heritage-related research can share and search for different contents:

  • news, events, funding
  • informations about the cultural heritage research general framework (heritage research policies, stakeholders involved or research projects)
  • online resources on and for heritage research

Recently JPI CH invited UNCHARTED to enter in the Heritage Research Hub as Cultural Heritage Research Projects and to create a presentation page of the project on the platform.

UNCHARTED seized this opportunity and now a showcase of the project is available at https://www.heritageresearch-hub.eu/project/uncharted/.

It joins other projects, over 75, on cultural heritage research.



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