Digital meets Culture
Export date: Fri Mar 28 14:02:04 2025 / +0000 GMT

UNCHARTED project presented at the 1st MESOC International Workshop


“Societal Impacts of Culture: A transitional Perspective”: this is the titled of the 1st international workshop that was held online by MESOC, the H2020 sister project of UNCHARTED. The meeting provided the opportunity to discuss with experts and stakeholders the role of culture in urban change, as well as methodological and operational approaches needed to support social impacts assessment and evaluation.
The agenda was scheduled in several sessions during which MESOC partners presented the first outcomes of the research designed to propose, test and validate an innovative and original approach to measuring the societal value and impacts of cultural policies and practices.
In addition the two-day meeting offered a schedule of round tables and parallel focus groups that actively involved the invited audience to a lively debate and to exchange knowledge and experiences related to their respective field of research.
In the framework of session 1, the panel debate titled “The social impacts of culture and cultural Policies” was dedicated to collect inputs and feedback on MESOC concepts by representatives of projects funded on the same call: in this specific context, Professor Arturo Rodríguez Morató, from the University of Barcelona, presented  the UNCHARTED Research and Innovation  Action and joined the discussion with the parallel project INVENT.
Moreover, other members of the UNCHARTED staff participated in the following focus groups providing additional contributions to the scientific discussion.
Download the MESOC Workshop schedule here.
Previous blog on MESOC workshop here
MESOC website