Digital meets Culture
Export date: Mon Mar 31 21:08:56 2025 / +0000 GMT

UNCHARTED survey on Portuguese cultural practice


The first co-creation workshop of the axis of work package 5 of UNCHARTED project, related to the study of the impact of Cultural information system on the identification and mapping of cultural audiences, is taking place on the 29th November 2022 at Casa dos Livros in Porto.




Under the coordination of the Instituto de Sociologia of the University of Porto, key stakeholders and professionals are invited to contribute to the design of new instruments to answer the needs of administrations and of cultural agents involved in the various phases of policy making and concrete implementation of initiatives, aiming at surveying and monitoring population participation in culture.






The co-creation of a mixed-method survey on cultural practices in Portugal will be further developed in the course of the following phases of the project, in order to be proposed for replication in other countries, for the accomplishment of a real international level of impact.