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Export date: Wed Jul 17 23:30:47 2024 / +0000 GMT

UNCOMMON CULTURE call for articles: history of photography

Uncommon Culture provides unique perspectives on a rich variety of cultural activities in Europe. Examining cultural institutions and their collections, this magazine gives new insight into diverse cultural activities.

The next planned issue of Uncommon Culture journal is entirely devoted to history of photography, with special contributions from the EuropeanaPhotography project.

Types of Contributions: the following types of papers are published in Uncommon Culture:

  • invited papers presenting the topics relevant to the issue (up to 20 edited pages, not more than 60000 characters)- some famous names are very welcome:)

  • research papers, and reports describing the situation in particular countries (3- 8 pages),

  • Interviews with project coordinators or project presentations, or in our case with really famous contemporary 1-2 photographers

  • short notes, i.e. book reviews, conference reports, short news (max. 2 pages).

Manuscript Preparation: the text of a manuscript should be written in clear and concise English. The form similar to "camera-ready" with an attached separate file - containing illustrations, tables and photographs - is preferred. For the details of the preferred format of the manuscripts, authors should consult the articles already published and the authors guidance available on the journal Website.

The main text of a paper using a font size of 12 pt can be divided into sections (numbered 1, 2, ...). The title page should include: manuscript title, authors' names and affiliations with e-mail addresses and their CVs – ca. 6 lines long each.

Illustrations, photographs and tables provided in the digital form should be clearly named and send in JPG or Tiff format.

Manuscript Submission and Processing. Manuscript should be submitted preferably via Internet Editorial System (IES) - an online submission and peer review system or by e-mail as Word.rtf  document to the address or

If   an e-mail delivery option is chosen, then the submission of the manuscript in two files is preferred: "Article File" containing the complete manuscript (with all figures and tables embedded in the text) and "Figures File" containing illustrations, photographs and tables. In the submission letter or on a separate page in "Figures File", the full postal address, e-mail and phone and/or fax numbers for all co-authors must be given. The corresponding author should be indicated.

In order to submit the manuscript via IES, the authors (first-time users) must create an author account to obtain a user ID and password required to enter the system.

Copyright Transfer. The submission of a manuscript means that it has not been published previously in the same form, that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere, and that - if accepted - it will not be published elsewhere. It also means that authors agree to transfer their copyrights to the journal editorial office. The transfer covers the exclusive rights to reproduce and distribute the article, including reprints, photographic reproductions, microfilm or any other reproductions of similar nature, and translations. It also includes the right to adapt the article for use in conjunction with computer systems and programs, including reproduction or publication in machine-readable form and incorporation in retrieval systems.

All of Uncommon Culture's content is also available freely to anyone with Internet connectivity. Contributors to Uncommon Culture are encouraged to release their work into the public domain or to select a Creative Commons license.

Review and amendment procedures. Each submitted manuscript is subject to a peer- review procedure, and the publication decision is based on reviewers' comments; if necessary, Authors may be invited to revise their manuscripts. On acceptance, manuscripts are subject to editorial amendment to suit the journal style.
Proofs. Proofs will be sent to the corresponding author by e-mail and should be returned within 48 hours of receipt.

Author Benefits. Publication in the journal is free of charge. A sample copy of the journal and 5 copies of the article off-prints will be sent to the corresponding author free of charge.




Phone: (+48) 56 62-22-411

Post address:
Editorial Office of Uncommon Culture
ul. Krasinskiego 121 b/113
87-100 Toruń, Poland