Unlocking the Potential of Digital Archaeological Data – ARIADNE Final Conference



The ARIADNE Research Infrastructure final conference “Unlocking the Potential of Digital Archaeological Data” will be held in the beautiful Sala Luca Giordano in the Palazzo Medici Riccardi, Florence, Italy on Thursday 15th to Friday 16th December 2016.

The Conference will highlight ARIADNE’s achievements and the benefits of the services and data resources now available to the archaeological community.  The project is aimed at researchers, policy makers, managers and developers of archaeological services and data repositories.

The programme will explore how ARIADNE is contributing to the European Archaeological Data Cloud, and will discuss the Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability and Reusability (F-A-I-R) of data resources.  We will hear success stories from organisations that have participated in ARIADNE.  The project will conclude by taking a look at the future Roadmap for ARIADNE.

For further information and to register for the conference on Eventbrite HERE.

Contact: Paola Ronzino,  info@ariadne-insfrastructure.eu


parthenosThe day before, 14th December in the afternoon, a workshop reserved to partners and invitees from project PARTHENOS will be held in nearby Prato. More info HERE.



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