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Bardkontakt conference.Cemeteries and memorials in the life of municipalities

Cattura1The 26th edition of the Bardkontakt conference, dedicated to the protection, maintenance and management of the cemeteries and memorials from the perspective of municipalities, was hosted by the small town of Bardejov . The topic was judged in the context of preserving local traditions, presenting the values of this heritage, improving the life conditions of the community and the further development of local site.
Main topics of discussion:
- Recognizing and mediating history through monuments, memorials and cemeteries
- Specific type: reminder of combat events and military operations
- The use of memorial monuments in the context of life and development planning of towns and villages
- Transfer of knowledge
OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThe conference provided the space for interdisciplinary discussion, sharing experiences between participants in each of the areas concerned and it was opened to the members of the Slovak Chamber of Architects, the Slovak Chamber of Civil Engineers, the Slovak Chamber of Restorers, the employees of the Monument Board of Slovak Republic, the members of Association of Towns and Municipalities of Slovakia, representatives of municipalities, experts from the academic environment and artists' community, other participants in the processes of programming and realization of development of municipalities, representatives of citizens' initiatives, investors and to all these with an interest in this topic.
The event was organized by 2 REACH associate partners in Slovakia: the municipality of Bardejov, UNESCO World Heritage Site (Slovakia) and ECOVAST Slovakia, an organization focused on the promotion and preservation of rural heritage all around Europe.
Venue: Bardejov Town Hall, Slovakia
More information about Bardkontakt conference here