Updates about the National Working Group in Sweden


LearnMoreSigns_IMG_11072013Here is an update of the next appointment where you can learn more about PREFORMA in Sweden:


20 October 2015:  Börje Justrell and Magnus Geber (Riksarkivet) will give a presentation at a conference arranged by FAI, the largest archival association in Sweden: http://fai.nu/wp-content/uploads/FAI_konferensprogram_www_2015_final.pdf. This will be a general presentation of the project and of how external stakeholders can participate in testing the PREFORMA prototypes.


3 November 2015: Benjamin Yousefi and Magnus Geber (Riksarkivet) will give a presentation at a conference on PDF/A: http://dokumentinfo.se/konferenser/pdfa/. The focus will be on the role of PDF/A at the National Archives of Sweden and in PREFORMA.


4 November 2015: Magnus Geber (Riksarkivet) will give a presentation at a meeting of the network of “Forum iFörvaltning”(information administration): http://www.sis.se/tema/iforvaltning/Forum-iforvaltning-verksamhet/. The network is administered by the Swedish Standardisation body. The presentation will focus on use of standardised file formats for preservation and on how PREFORMA aims to interact with the official standardisation organisations, providing them with useful feedback.


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