Digital meets Culture
Export date: Mon Mar 31 20:10:27 2025 / +0000 GMT

veraPDF 0.26 released for download

veraPDF-logo-600-300x149The latest version of veraPDF includes the first beta release of our purpose-built PDF parser and validation model. It can be used alongside the PDFBox parser to compare the results.

veraPDF 0.26 has a new batch processor that produces multi-item reports. Highlights from the new release are below:

Conformance checker

  • added the new rule for embedded files to be associated with the document or its parts (PDF/A-3 only).

Application enhancements

  • first beta release of greenfield PDF/A validation available as a limited functionality app;

  • refactoring of sub component and application configuration for reproducible execution;

  • new Batch Processor producing multi-item reports;

  • batch processing is stream/event driven with event handlers for processing results; and

  • report structures altered to accommodate batch processing.

Code Quality

  • publication of integration tests for greenfield components;

  • memory usage and execution times in test reports;

  • example test report:

Test corpus

  • added 7 new test files to cover the new rule in PDF/A-3 validation profile.


Release notes:

Two downloads are available for veraPDF 0.26. Please read the release notes for further guidance:


Download veraPDF 0.26:

PDFBox version:

Greenfield version:


About veraPDF

veraPDF 1.0 will be released in December marking the end of the PREFORMA prototyping phase. A six month test phase begins in January 2017.

Please support our efforts by downloading and testing the software. If you encounter problems, or wish to suggest improvements, please add them to the project's GitHub issue tracker (, or contact us through our mailing list. Regular feedback is very important, it helps to improve the software.

Led by the Open Preservation Foundation and the PDF Association, the veraPDF consortium is developing the industry-supported open source, file-format validator for all parts and conformance levels of ISO 19005 (PDF/A). The software is designed to meet the needs of memory institutions responsible for preserving digital content for the long term.

The veraPDF consortium is funded by the PREFORMA project. PREFORMA (PREservation FORMAts for culture information/e-archives) is a Pre-Commercial Procurement (PCP) project co-funded by the European Commission under its FP7-ICT Programme.


PREFORMA IMPACT and Sustainability Questionnaire

Please complete the PREFORMA questionnaire to help assess the impact of the project, and the three conformance checkers: veraPDF, MediaConch and DPF Manager:


PREFORMA Experience Workshop

We hace presented the latest veraPDF developments at the PREFORMA Experience Workshop in Berlin on 23 November. For further information: