Digital meets Culture
Export date: Fri Sep 27 3:37:51 2024 / +0000 GMT

Voices of Culture report on digital audiences management

From Voice Of Culture Report

Voices Of Culture aims to be a channel for the voice of the European cultural sector to be heard by policymakers.

It provides a platform for civil society representatives of the cultural sector to give input to the European Commission on a range of topics which are salient in its policy making process.

Voices Of Culture regularly launches calls for applications on different topics and selected candidates are invited to a brainstorming meeting.

The last Brainstorming Report on the topic ‘(Re)-Engaging Digital Audiences – Challenges and Opportunities' is now available, and it results from an online Brainstorming Meeting organised in December 2021 and from the subsequent workshop with the European Commission at the end of April 2022.

The report provides guidelines and recommendations to cultural practicioners and the European Commission in three main chapters:

  1. COVID-19 recovery, impact on cultural consumption by digital means and the EU's role in assisting cultural organisations.

    • Cultural and Creative Sectors' perception, understanding, and management of digital audiences

    • Needs and constraints experienced throughout the pandemic

    • Future challenges.

  2. Digital audience management and a supportive role for the EU.

    • Reflection on the notion of digital audiences

    • Current challenges in managing hybrid audiences

    • Strategies to move towards more hybridity

    • Key issues in digital audience management that the EU should consider.

  3. Aspects of data collection and management with regard to rebuilding and reaching existing and new audiences via digital means (including a focus on the digitally-deprived).

    • Technical and practical aspects of digital audience data management

    • Critical thoughts on audience data

    • Tips and advice on data collection and analysis.

The full report is available at