Retrat d’una noia amb un antifaç.
img: Carnaval by Massafont Costals, Martí – 1953 – CRDI / Girona City Council – CC BY-NC-ND.
What does ‘cultural heritage’ mean to you? Does your mind immediately turn to the iconic works of illustrious artists on show in museums and galleries? To the kilometres of shelves in public archives and libraries? Or to something more private – a photo album unfolding your family history generation by generation?
There are various things we consider heritage and most of them are touchable and tangible. Nonetheless, a substantial part of what makes up our history and identity are practices, ideas, insights and experiences.
Read the blog published by the WEAVE project editorial team in Europeana to discover examples of intangible heritage.
This blog is part of WEAVE – Widen European Access to cultural communities Via Europeana: a project funded by the European Commission under the Connecting Europe Facilities (CEF) aimed at developing a framework to link the tangible and intangible heritage of cultural communities.