Digital meets Culture
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WEAVE final conference, recordings and presentations available

Hosted by CRDI in Girona at Centre Cultural La Mercè, the WEAVE project organized on 16th September 2022 its final conference, which explored the connections between tangible and intangible heritage, cultural communities and the process of digital transformation of cultural heritage organisations. The day was preceded by the plenary meeting of WEAVE consortium, held at the premises of Arxiu Municipal on 15th September.

CONFERENCE AGENDA with presentations

Joan Boadas (CRDI Director), George Ioannidis (IN2/WEAVE coordinator): Welcome messages

Jolan Wuyts (Collection Editor at Europeana): ‘Unheard voices: learning to tell more diverse stories in the cultural heritage sector' - PDF

Antonella Fresa (Director at Promoter): Cultural values, identities, participation and local communities - PDF

Fred Truyen: Connecting communities and tangible-intangible heritage and capacity building - PDF

Matevž Straus: Creation and reuse of 3D models of monuments and tangible cultural heritage - PDF

Presenting the WEAVE toolbox:

  • George Ioannidis: WEAVEx - PDF

  • Matevž Straus: 3D assets manager - PDF

  • Nuno Correia: MotionNotes - PDF

  • Orfeas Menis-Mastromichalakis: Metadata Enrichment tools - PDF

Valentina Bachi and WEAVE content providers: Presenting the heritage collections digitized and published by WEAVE in Europeana - PDF

John Balean: Process and Discovery: using legacy taxonomy structures for locating intangible heritage imagery - PDF

Sofie Taes: Europeana editorials and virtual exhibition - PDF

Marc Hernandez, David Iglésias: The use of photogrammetry for 3D digitisation of a daguerreotype collection - PDF (coming soon)

The whole conference was recorded:

After the talks, for the participants in Girona a networking lunch and a digital exhibition gave the floor to all participants to engage in a lively discussion following the inspiration drawn from the programme.

To conclude the event, an interesting workshop about photogrammetry digitization took place to illustrate modern techniques to create accurad te and high quality 3D models of cultural heritage objects, with a particular focus on heritage photography.