Work Package 1 of the UNCHARTED project complies with the expected deliverables


After the publication of the first outputs of its investigation, UNCHARTED presents  the sixth and final deliverable of the Work Package 1 (WP1), leaded by the University of Barcelona and devoted to analyzing the configuration of cultural values in Europe.
Each of the deliverables produced by WP1 has analysed different aspects considered relevant for the constitution of the cultural values in Europe: gender and rising diversity (D1.1), urbanisation, spatial and social segregation (D1.2), globalisation and digitisation (D1.3), neo-liberalism (D1.4) and the European historical and political experience (D1.5).

The deliverable D1.6, titled “Synthesis of theory, literature and existent data about factors configuring the values of culture in Europe” synthesises the previous exploration of the research literature and existing data on the factors and circumstances influencing the shaping of the values of culture in Europe and it is organised taking into account the analysis carried out by the deliverables D1.1, D1.2, D.1.3, D1.4 and D1.5 . The project’s partner responsible for its delivery was the University of Barcelona.

Brief summary of the previous reports of the WP1:

  • D1.1 Analysis of the influence of gender and rising diversity in the configuration of the values of culture.
    The partner responsible for this deliverable was the University of Barcelona.
    The report has a double purpose. Firstly, it seeks to identify the factors that led the rising diversity and increasing gender equality in European societies in recent times. Secondly, it aims to analyze how these factors impact on the shaping of values of culture in three specific areas: institutionalized culture, cultural administrations and cultural policies, and citizen culture.
  • D1.2 Analysis of the influence of urbanisation and social and spatial segregation in cities in the configuration of the values of culture.
    The partners responsible for this deliverable were the University of Porto and ELTE University Budapest.
    The report takes into account the major paradigm changes in the recent urban development by focusing on the social processes of gentrification, touristification and segregation, and its consequences on urban heritage preservation.
  • D1.3 Analysis of the influence of globalization and digitization in the configuration of the values of culture.
    The partners responsible for this deliverable were Telemark Research Institute and University Paris 8.
    The report provides a review of values of culture relating to cultural administration, production and participation. The main strands of identified values are within the categories of access, engagement and identification, production/performance.
  • D1.4 Analysis of the influence of neo-liberalism in the configuration of the values of culture.
    The partner responsible for this deliverable was Goldsmiths, University of London.
    This deliverable reports about the results of the exploration, systematic review and analysis of the research literature and existing data on the influence of neo-liberalism in the configuration of the values of culture.
  • D1.5 Analysis of the European historical and political experience in acknowledging and promoting the values of culture.
    The partners responsible for this deliverable were CNRS, CEPEL research unit at Montpellier and ELTE University Budapest.
    The report questions the configurations in which European cultural policies attribute values to culture. It begins with a reflection on the meaning of value, then goes on to identify the numerous values identifiable in the history of cultural policies. It proposes a classification of the values and it describes the dynamics of emergence and transformation of the values attributed to culture in historical configurations.

Download the full text of each deliverable in the UNCHARTED download area.
Link to the WP1 webpage.


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