workshop “Linked Data quality assessment and improvement – from academia to industry”


There is an unprecedented amount of data on the Web today. However, this data is only as  useful as its quality allows it to be. Data Quality is an important topic in companies and organizations that use and/or disseminate large and heterogeneous Linked Datasets. These issues do not only arise in Linked Open Data, but also in Linked Business Data. At the same time, researchers are coping with Linked Data Quality issues as well, and have defined, proposed and evaluated approaches and methodologies for assessing and improving Linked Data quality.

Currently there is not one fool-proof method for dealing with Linked Data Quality issues. This workshop brings together Linked Data experts from different domains, from academia as well as industry, allowing them to share their ideas, approaches, and lessons learnt with one another.
Time: Thursday, September 14, 2017 – 09:00 to 17:30
Place: The Meervaart Theatre in Amsterdam (Room 10)

logo-semantics-17-smallLinked Data quality assessment and improvement – from academia to industry is a satellite workshop at Semantics 2017 conference in Amsterdam.

Organized by Valentine Charles and Antoine Isaac (Europeana Foundation), Amrapali Zaveri (University of Maastricht), Wouter Beek (VU University Amsterdam), Péter Király (GWDG Göttingen).


Registration (note that registration is possible for workshop only)
09.00-09.15 Welcome and outline of the day
09.15-11.00 Presentations about how Linked Data Quality issues are
encountered and addressed in the following domains:

– Life Science & Health Care, Amrapali Zaveri
– FHIR modeling and standardization, Eric Prud’hommeaux
– Academic Publishing, Elsevier, Véronique Malaisé
– Cultural Heritage, Europeana, Valentine Charles and Antoine Isaac
– Wikidata validation, Andra Waagmeester
– Manufacturing, Semaku, John Walker
– Open Government, Kadaster, Rein van de Veer & Erwin Folmer
– Real Estate, Geo Phy, Dimitris Kontokostas

11.30-12.30 Panel with the presenters
13.30-14.00 The audience will also be invited to share their own experiences with Linked Data Quality in a series of short lightning talks.
14.00-15.00 hands-on activities around a set of existing tools that allow data quality to be analyzed and improved. Tools include LOD Laundromat, Loupe, and Luzzu.
15.30-16.30 Joint session with DBpedia
16.40-17.30 Wrap-up and conclusion of the workshop (recap of the needs
for future work and collaboration.)


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