Digital meets Culture
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workshop: The politics of metadata in participatory approaches: Opportunities, practices, and conflicts (DHN 2018)

Second call for proposals /  Workshop at the conference Digital Humanities in the Nordic Countries 7 March 2018 at the University of Helsinki

This workshop seeks to expand critical perspectives on metadata in relation to public cultural heritage image collections online.
In our image-saturated time, the definition of therticipatory online practices such as crowdsourcing enable cultural heritage institutions to accelerate the development of digi  also be seen as platforms for audience engagement, creating a deep connection to cultural heritage through online collaboration. Furthermore, open data and enhanced standards enabling interoperability might support new forms of collaboration between institutions, researchers, and the general public.
However, these participatory open science practices create new challenges due to the character of the networked publics involved and the established structures between and within institutions, but also new opportunities and practices when it comes to understanding and defining our shared images. Therefore, critical perspectives on metadata in relation to photographic collections online are vital. This calls for an interdisciplinary approach in the intersection between computer science, image studies, and cultural studies.


For this workshop, therefore, we invite participants to look more closely at different types of participatory practices online in relation to the cultural heritage domain, and at different levels of interaction. Possible sites of analysis could be the interaction between participants, the participation in the work by different stakeholders, the potentially privileged levels of interaction with the metadata, or tensions in the agency of the participants in relation to the task.
This half-day workshop explores the topics in mini presentations and brainstorming sessions, and will result in a research agenda for addressing these questions.

The position-paper should be 2-4 pages and using the Springer LNCS templates.
Send submissions and inquiries to the following email address:

Deadline is Wednesday, January 31, 2018.

For more information visit the website: