Topic: europeana-photography

Intermediate objective is to deliver to Europeana a huge number of metadata, in order to publish a first batch of images to witness the history of Europe and the art of photography in the period 1839-1939. The images are supposed to be on line and accessible to everyone by early 2014, and for this reason EuropeanaPhotography content providers are working closely to the technical deadlines to allow this result. Continue reading

The annual event organized by Polis (Polo di Innovazione delle Tecnologie per la Città Sostenibile – Innovation Pole of the Technologies for a Sustainable City) was held in the Engineering College of Siena’s University on the 26th – 27th September 2013. It has hosted two days of debate about the “Smart Specialization Strategy” general topic, structured on the three Polis themes MOBILITY, CULTURAL HERITAGE and SUSTAINABLE BUILDING. Continue reading

On 14-15 October 2013 the National Museum in Warsaw has hosted the international seminar Photography – Museum Narratives. The seminar was organized by the Archaeology of Photography Foundation, in collaboration with the National Museum in Warsaw and National Institute of Museology and Collections Protection. Continue reading

LAM is a national museum based in Vilnius, originally founded in 1933, it takes an active role in regularly organizing exhibitions and cultural events and in connection of the opening of a travelling exhibition and an internationa conference about ancient photography and digitization, it was chosen to host the third plenary meeting of EuropeanaPhotography project. Continue reading

Discussions about IPR in EuropeanaPhotography so far went through an IPR dedicated mailing list, which is restricted to the project’s members. The on-line support service is instead open to everybody and surely this website will become in a short time a benchmark for IPR issues for the whole community. Continue reading

Florence hosted an international event that includes a Conference, Workshops, Meetings & an Exhibition. The Electronic Information, the Visual Arts and Beyond (EVA Conferences) are a series of international interdisciplinary conferences mainly in Europe, but also elsewhere in the world, for people interested in the application of information technology to the cultural and especially the visual arts field. Continue reading

The vocabulary has been completed in 12 languages and consists of over 500 concepts in three facets –photographic technique, photographic practice and keywords – that are structured in a multifaceted, hierarchical way. Discussions are on-going with other projects, in particular Linked Heritage, for improvement and further development of the EuropeanaPhotography Vocabulary, that can be a starting point for other valuable multilingual tools to enrich digitization activities (both for photography and for other cultural heritage). Continue reading

On March 5th 2013, the Central University Library in Leuven hosted the first review meeting of EuropeanaPhotography project. editor, Valentina Bachi, was present to the whole event with both the roles of speaker and of correspondent. Next appointment for the EuropeanaPhotography project is the plenary meeting in Athens on 13-14-15 March 2013 Continue reading

The Polish Collections in Europeana conference was organized in the medieval city of Toruń on October 18-19, 2012 by the International Centre for Information Management Systems and Services ICIMSS. A number of Europeana-related projects were presented, including EuropeanaPhotography, Judaica Europeana and others. Continue reading