Area: digital heritage

Europeana Photography Final Conference

The EuropeanaPhotography project ended 31st of January 2015. To mark the occasion, we organized a two-day conference in Leuven on Thursday 29 and Friday 30th of January, under the theme “The Impact of Digitization on Photographic Heritage: Memories Reframed“. Continue reading

EAGLE 2015 International Event

Use and Re-Use of Digital Cultural Heritage Assets – Interoperability, Repositories and Shared infrastructures was the fifth in a series of international events planned by EAGLE BPN. The event, organised by The Cyprus Institute, in collaboration with Heidelberg University and Sapienza, University of Rome, featured presentations and hands-on workshops regarding themes of the EAGLE project. Continue reading

RICHES at Europeana Photography Final Conference

Neil Forbes, RICHES Project Coordinator, presented the project during the Final Conference of Europeana Photography, which took place in Leuven on 29-30 January 2015, hosted by CS Digital (KU Leuven) and the Lieven Gevaert Centre for Photography in Campus Library Arenberg. Continue reading

E-Space IPR workshop

Speakers: Sarah Whatley (Coventry University, project’s coordinator), Charlotte Waelde (University of Exeter), Prodromos Tsiavos (Postscriptum), Frederik Temmermans, Peter Schelkens, Ann Dooms (iMinds). A workshop focused on IPR that considers content rights in a non traditional way. Rather than only focussing on different … Continue reading

Europeana Space first Hackathon announced

The Europeana TV Pilot (interactive television) of Europeana Space has made significant progress on the realization of two scenarios to experiment with. Both scenarios are generating prototypes, and the pilot is getting ready for a big Hackathon event in Amsterdam on 8-9-10 May. Continue reading

Europeana Tech second international conference The second international EuropeanaTech conference was held on February 12th and 13th 2015 in Paris, France. Europeana is uniting hundreds of experts from across the EU to share knowledge and jointly shape the future of memory organisations in a networked … Continue reading

Europeana Photography: grand-final

The conference title is The Impact of Digitization on Photographic Heritage: Memories Reframed and took place on 29-30 January. The second instance of All Our Yesterdays took place from February 1 to March 15, 2015, in Campus Library Arenberg – Heverlee and Tweebronnen Library – Leuven (BE). Besides the exhibition, it included events for schools, seniors and amateurs as well as a PechaKucha Night, the first one to be held in Leuven. Continue reading

10th International Digital Curation Conference

The 10th International Digital Curation Conference was held from Monday 9 February to Thursday 12 February 2015 in London. This year’s theme was “Ten years back, ten years forward: achievements, lessons and the future for digital curation”. Continue reading

HOLA CLOUD Project Kick Off Meeting

The HOLA CLOUD project consortium met in Madrid on 19 and 20 January for the project kick off meeting. Aim of the project is to initiate an advanced conference series producing and revising an annual technology roadmap and providing an efficient venue for the members of the community to meet and exchange results and ideas for the future. Continue reading

E-Space thematic workshops 2015

Important appointments organized by Europeana Space project in March 2015! The objective of Europeana Space is to increase and enhance the creative industries’ safe use of digital cultural content available in online repositories, by delivering a range of resources to … Continue reading