Area: digital heritage

A famous painting inspires a videogame: nice initiative of Victoria&Albert Museum

“This project at the V&A has opened my eyes up to the possibilities of what games design can show. I am keen to look at more work by other famous British artists and designers and see what kinds of games can arise!” says the game designer Sophia George in the V&A blog. Continue reading

Europeana Creative – Final Open Innovation Challenge Launched!

Europeana Creative is once again looking for creative developers, designers, start-ups and other entrepreneurs to re-use Europe’s digitised cultural heritage from Europeana in innovative and creative ways! We are pleased to announce the launch of our final challenge encouraging YOU to … Continue reading

EUDAT News bullettin – October 2014

In this issue: find out about EUDAT’s work on policy and sustainability, our roving reporter interviews Massimo Cocco about EUDAT’s partnership with EPOS and we introduce B2DROP, a sync-and-exchange service for all. Continue reading

Results of the PREFORMA CfT published!

Here are the names of the suppliers who have been awarded a contract with PREFORMA to develop an open-source toolset for conformance checking of digital files (texts, images and AV), intended for long-term preservation in memory institutions. Continue reading

Sharing Local Cultural Heritage through Europeana – LoCloud workshop

11th November, 14.30, at  Palazzo Coppini, via del Giglio 10, Florence, Italy. The workshop, whose theme is “Sharing Local Culture through Europeana” will present LoCloud, its on-going activities and results achieved so far, including demonstrations of the services that the project … Continue reading

StoM project is semantic technology at your service!

StoM project commenced on 1st May 2014 and is carried out by a strong consortium committed to develop a commercial pathway for software-as-a-service solutions. Consortium members are leaders in ICT (NET7, IN2, SpazioDati) and business development (Techin and Innova). The services to be developed for commercialisation are based upon a previous research programme successfully conducted in the SemLib project. The aim is to apply semantic annotation and semantic recommendation solutions in two platforms: EventPlace and PunditBrain. Continue reading

Open Education: Condition Critical

Thursday November 20th 4:30-6:30pm, at Coventry University, a panel exploring opportunities to critically and creatively experiment with different ideas of what the university and education can be. Open Education: Condition Critical What for decades could only be dreamt of is now almost … Continue reading

TEATRÁLNY SVET / THE THEATRICAL WORLD 1839-1939 – exhibition in Bratislava

Europeana Photography partner Divadelny Ustav is organizer of a great exhibition on the theatrical world, witnessed through + 400 beautiful old photographs. Opening Thursday 6th November 2014. The exhibtion is part of the Slovak Month of Photography initiatives. Continue reading

creJAM week – online debate about technology and creative industry

From the 3rd to the 7th of November, the CRe-AM project will host an online debate with its community of technology developers and creative practitioners. Each day during the #creJAM week, we will launch a challenge or ask a question … Continue reading

Europeana Photography at Europeana AGM in Madrid

Europeana Photography cannot miss this event, and will be presented by the project coordinator Fred Truyen (KU Leuven) in a Ignite Talk, entitled “All our memories”: sharing photographic heritage through Europeana, Continue reading