Area: digital heritage

What will be remembered about us?

To commemorate the International Archives Day, the Municipal Archive of Girona and the Centre for Image Research and Diffusion of Girona’s City Council have made available to citizens a resource for the preservation of their personal archives. Continue reading

EUDAT News bullettin – May 2014

Welcome to the June edition of the EUDAT News Bulletin! These short email bulletins are sent monthly to keep the community updated about the latest news and developments from EUDAT. Continue reading

Scan it, print it, wear it: the future of fashion is 3D

Models can catwalk through holograms of themselves, T-shirts can hug you and couture is being designed virtually and then printed using a 3D printer – no needle and thread involved. These marvels are developing at full speed, changing the way we see, design, make and buy clothes. Continue reading

CHAIN-REDS bi-annual e-Newsletter

CHAIN-REDS and DCH-RP cooperates together to promote and support technological and scientific collaboration across different e-Infrastructures established and operated in various continents, in order to define a path towards a global e-Infrastructures ecosystem that will allow Virtual Research Community, research groups and single researchers to access and efficiently use worldwide distributed resources. Continue reading

A joint creative workshop about digital photography

Guided by prof. Fred Truyen in his double role of Europeana Photography coordinator and Europeana Space pilot leader, the participants met in the Museum room of the Faculty of Arts at KU Leuven. This joint workshop is just a first step in a close cooperation between the two projects, Europeana Photography and Europeana Space, and a concrete action for searching new business opportunities involving digital cultural heritage. Continue reading

King’s College London launches CultureCase

The Cultural Institute at King’s College London is happy to launch CultureCase: a new, free-to-use web resource that aims to put academic research to work in the cultural sector. The resource translates academic-standard research into digestible 300-word summaries and makes them available for the first time in one portal. Continue reading

Building the project’s foundation

On 13th May i2CAT Foundation, in collaboration with the Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (UIC), organised the first RICHES open to all activity in Barcelona. The activity focused on building the project’s foundation and establishing the project’s taxonomy: a set of basic definitions and conceptual frameworks which will delineate RICHES’ fields of research and further study on the context of change and the role of Cultural Heritage (CH) in the economic and social development in Europe. Continue reading

All Our Yesterdays, a huge success for the photographic exhibition!

The flux of visitors at Palazzo Lanfranchi was more or less continuous since the opening (11th April), but a boom of visits was registered on the 17th May during the European Night of the Museums. In this occasion the exhibition was open till midnight and almost 800 visitors crowded the vintage rooms of the palace where the photographs are hosted, in a truly charming environment. Continue reading

3rd International Research Conference on the Cultural and Creative Industries

The conference is organized by Antwerp Management School, the University of Antwerp and HKU University of the Arts (Utrecht). This conference taps in to the changing dynamics between creative industries, knowledge institutions and urban policy. Moreover, this scientific conference will address various sectors of the arts and cultural industries (performing arts and festivals, heritage, museums and visual arts, film production and distribution, book publishing, recording, broadcasting, audio-visual media and multimedia, design). Continue reading