Area: digital heritage

Networking session at the EGI CF 2014

The networking session organised by PREFORMA in the frame of the EGI Community Forum in Helsinki presented to the interested audience the new opportunities offered by the PCP launched by PREFORMA. Download here the presentations that were delivered during the session. Continue reading

SCAPE Project Demo & Information Days Agenda

The British Library and Statsbiblioteket are organising a demo day where it is possible to meet some of the SCAPE developers in their own environment. The developers will show how to integrate tools and services developed in SCAPE in your own preservation environment. Continue reading

The Berlin Culture Hackathon: COD1NG DA V1NC1

PREFORMA has taken notice of the event, which was attended by cultural institutions from all over Germany, the developer community, the designer community, and the gaming community, with the aim to make the digital heritage available in a creative way. Continue reading

Capturing the intangible

Capturing the Intangible was a two-part event taking place at the Institute of Contemporary Arts, in London, on the 29th May and 5th June 2014, at 6-8pm. The two discussion panels introduced the notion of intangible heritage and its relation with performance and discussed the relevance of material knowledge to virtual culture, whilst considering the future role of Cultural Institutions. Continue reading

PREFORMA presented at the Yearly Assembly of German Museum Association

The project was presented to IT and documentation professionals in museums to familiarise the audience with the project and raise awareness that files have to be checked before being preserved. Continue reading

Eva Florence 2014, dissemination

Europeana Photography was present once again to the EVA conference in Florence, held on 7 – 8 May 2014. A nice presentation by Emanuela Sesti of Fondazione Alinari highlighted to the present audience the progress of the project, and disseminated … Continue reading

EuropeanaSpace, creative & organizational meeting in Amsterdam

The first day was occupied with an interactive brainstorming session, facilitated by partner and WP4 leader iMinds, that saw 12 consortium members being busy with imagining future scenarios and visionary applications for the 6 pilots. The occasion of the meeting was also the good place to preliminary present and discuss the upcoming Opening Conference of Europeana Space, to be held in Venice in mid-October 2014 hosted by University of Venice. Continue reading

A Europeana Photography Exhibition in Sofia

The opening took place on the 15th May 2014. Among the guests was Mr. Martin Ivanov – the President’s Secretary of Culture. Mr. Dincho Krastev – CEO of NALIS – and Mrs. Katya Zografova – director of the National Museum of Literature presented the exhibition and the EuropenaPhotography project. Continue reading

REMIX Summit for Culture, Tech, Entrepreneurship

The event brings together world class speakers from across industries to discover, share and explore new ways to build big ideas in the cultural and creative industries. Continue reading

DCH-RP @ CIDOC 2014 Conference

The CIDOC Conference 2014 committee has accepted the proposal to present a paper on the DCH-RP Roadmap at the CIDOC 2014 Conference in Dresden. The presentation will be given in the session Session G/1, Digital Long Term Preservation on Tuesday 9th September 2014 and the paper will be published in the conference proceedings. Continue reading