Area: digital heritage

Photography – Museum narratives: a valuable conference

Organized by the Archeology of Photography Foundation, the National Museum in Warsaw and the national Institute of Museology and Collections protection, the seminar included a panel of international speakers. “Bringing together an array of internationally renowned speakers, the conference provided ample platform for debate and creative comparison”, said the organizers. Continue reading

The digital cultural heritage towards Horizon 2020

The event was divided in two sessions; the first one was dedicated to the policy, highlighting the decisions by Italian Government and Parliament related to the central role of culture for the economic recovery in Italy, and also in Europe. The second session was dedicated to the digital content Aggregators and to the research infrastructures in the sector of SSH (Social Science and Humanities) and cultural heritage, to share objectives and to develop a common, operative roadmap for digitization. Continue reading

DiXiT project launched

DiXiT offers a coordinated training and research programme for 12 early stage researchers and 5 experienced researchers in the multi-disciplinary skills, technologies, theories, and methods of digital scholarly editing. The consortium is composed by important universities as full partners, coordinated by University of Cologne, plus associated partners that provide valuable scientists in charge. Continue reading

Archives and libraries to discuss management software

A round table on the theme “OPEN (RE)SOURCE, valorizing e integrating the cultural heritage” has been held in Turin, organized by the heritage agency Promemoria in collaboration with Teatro Regio Torino. The event saw the participation and speeches by many … Continue reading

Linked Heritage training programme

The Learning Objects, developed in the frame of Linked Heritage, range from Europeana to aggregation, metadata standards, linked data, terminology, etc.) and address an identified shortage of awareness of these important topics. Continue reading

Improved search and higher-quality metadata through terminology management

Different organisations and different languages use different terms to describe similar concepts. Incompatible terminologies impede effective searching by end users and are also an obstacle for web services that rely on consistent metadata. Linked Heritage aimed to address this challenge by standardising terminologies. Continue reading

Linking Cultural Heritage Information

Linked Heritage demonstrated the publication of Linked Data to the digital cultural heritage community, including the establishment of a linked data server which delivers our metadata as linked data triples. To identify the most effective way for the cultural heritage sector to create, manage and apply permanent identifiers. Continue reading

Europeana Photography IPR workshop in Paris

A valuable workshop organized in the framework of EuropeanaPhotography took place in Paris on 14th-15th November 2013. The workshop was one day and half including presentations and round table discussion, focusing on IPR issues related to digital content and to the … Continue reading

EAGLE takes flight

Alongside the great new logo, EAGLE have also launched their website and project tagline – ‘A digital bridge to the ancient world’. The rich, detailed and intuitive website ( contains all the information relevant to the project, including contact information, upcoming events and schedules, and a detailed description of partner institutions and their contributions. Continue reading