Area: digital heritage

Digital Heritage 2013 event in Marseille

The event is very wide. For this reason, to provide an effective way for participants to explore such a rich and diverse program, Digital Heritage 2013 built an interactive schedule featuring social networking, a personal agenda builder, dynamic attendee directories, and more. Users can view the schedule in list, grid, and other forms as well as on mobile devices. Continue reading

EGI Technical Forum 2013

The EGI Technical Forum 2013 was held in Madrid at the Meliá-Castilla Hotel & Convention Centre. The event was being organised with the support of the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of Spain, the Spanish National Research Council and Red IRIS. On 18th september was scheduled a workshop on VRC Project cases with a presentation related to DCH-RP project that it was taken by R.Vanderbroucke and A. Fresa… Continue reading

Europeana Photography @ ICT2013, IPR networking session

The session was intended to foster knowledge exchange and networking actions to address a very common and shared issue from different points of view and backgrounds, also in the light of enabling a true and exploitable creative re-use of the digital content available in Europeana and in other online collections. Continue reading

Digital Preservation of cultural data @ EUDAT, Rome

The need for novel more efficient and affordable solutions for digital preservation is increasing in the Social Science and Humanities. The workshop presented the advancements in the state of the art, to understand which could be the benefits offered, in particular to the Digital Cultural Heritage sector, by the new technologies and e-infrastructures. Continue reading

Vilnius, Europeana Photography meeting

Intermediate objective is to deliver to Europeana a huge number of metadata, in order to publish a first batch of images to witness the history of Europe and the art of photography in the period 1839-1939. The images are supposed to be on line and accessible to everyone by early 2014, and for this reason EuropeanaPhotography content providers are working closely to the technical deadlines to allow this result. Continue reading

Linked Heritage project presents results

The Linked Heritage project draws to a close at the end of September 2013. Linked Heritage – with the strapline, ‘Share culture, link content’ – was a content-focused project, which aimed to bring large quantities of content into Europeana, to enhance metadata quality and to improve the search, retrieval and re-use of Europeana content. Continue reading

EAGLE to make classical European inscriptions accessible

Europeana Professional recently published an interesting article related to Eagle project, a best practice network that brings together the most prominent European institutions and archives in the field of Classical Latin and Greek epigraphy to provide Europeana with a comprehensive collection of unique historical sources which constitute a veritable pillar of European culture. Continue reading

Agorà of Polis comes back: Mobility, Cultural Heritage, Sustainable Building

The annual event organized by Polis (Polo di Innovazione delle Tecnologie per la Città Sostenibile – Innovation Pole of the Technologies for a Sustainable City) was held in the Engineering College of Siena’s University on the 26th – 27th September 2013. It has hosted two days of debate about the “Smart Specialization Strategy” general topic, structured on the three Polis themes MOBILITY, CULTURAL HERITAGE and SUSTAINABLE BUILDING. Continue reading

International seminar Photography – Museum Narratives

On 14-15 October 2013 the National Museum in Warsaw has hosted the international seminar Photography – Museum Narratives. The seminar was organized by the Archaeology of Photography Foundation, in collaboration with the National Museum in Warsaw and National Institute of Museology and Collections Protection. Continue reading

The Paris Declaration for the progress of the Digital Cultural Heritage

The shared vision of the INDICATE network is that in ten years’ time, access and use of digital cultural heritage will be available to all and that collaboration with the e-Infrastructures community will facilitate realisation of this vision. Continue reading