Area: digital heritage

No Time to Wait – conference

The 6th edition of the No Time to Wait conference will be hosted by the Netherlands Institute for Sound & Vision and on October 26th – 28th, 2022 at Sound & Vision’s media museum in The Hague, the Netherlands. … Continue reading

TPDL 26th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries

Over the years TPDL established an important international forum focused on digital libraries and associated technical, practical, and social issues. TPDL encompasses the many meanings of the term “digital libraries”, including new forms of information institutions; operational information systems with … Continue reading

AQUA final conference and INCULTUM

The AQUA final conference is the concluding event of the Horto Aquam Salutarem research project, financed by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia in Portugal (PTDC/HAR-HIS/28627/2017). Prof. Desidério Batista, as researcher in the project and member of the scientific … Continue reading

Landscape of norias pots of Campina in the ‘Uses and Memories of Water’ course

Professor Desidério Batista participated in the Course of the History of Algarve on Uses and Memories of Water running from 5 to 28 July, delivering presentations about INCULTUM and the Portuguese pilot, talking about the landscape of norias pots of … Continue reading

INCULTUM and Be.CULTOUR meet to discuss synergies

The network and communication teams of INCULTUM and Be.CULTOUR met on 29th July for a talk to know better each other. In facts the two projects are funded from the same EC call and have many things in common, among … Continue reading

Cultural tourism workshop organized at EUROMED 2022 – 9th Nov. h.16 EET

The event is organized in the framework of EUROMED (7-11 November 2022) by H2020 project INCULTUM, to discuss about the role of community engagement and citizen participation in enhancing and promoting sustainable tourism in peripheral areas that are not often … Continue reading

Do diverse exhibitions make the Dutch art museum more popular?

Research project of MA students in the Museums in Context course at the Erasmus University Rotterdam, MA Cultural Economics led by professor Trilce Navarrete. Authors: Ilse Romeijn, Willemijn de Wit and Lotte van den Bergh All images courtesy of the … Continue reading

IN SITU new project to research cultural and creative industries specific needs, and potential

The project “IN SITU – Place-based innovation of cultural and creative industries in non-urban areas” was launched on July 1, 2022, with a 48-month duration. Coordinated by the Centre for Social Studies at the University of Coimbra, Portugal, the €4 … Continue reading

Meeting in Lisbon for projects on sustainable cultural tourism

Organized by IMPACTOUR project coordinator prof. João Martins from the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at the NOVA School of Science and Technology in Lisbon, a friendly meeting took place on 5th July in hybrid format, attended by the representatives … Continue reading

Heritage-led rural regeneration: best practices & participatory processes.

The webinar presents the result of the analysis of the data gathered from 20 Role Models (RM) case studies regarding their successful heritage-led rural regeneration models. For the study and comparison of the narratives of these Role Models two tools … Continue reading