Area: digital heritage

ENRICH 2013 Workshop

In the framework of SIGIR conference, ENRICH workshop will be hosted in the Long Room Hub, at the Digital Arts and Humanities Research Institute of Trinity College Dublin, on August 1st 2013. ENRICH is supported by EU projects CULTURA and Paths. Call for papers is open until 9th June. Continue reading

The Catania Science Gateway Framework – EGI/CHAIN-REDS/eI4Africa Webinar

The general architecture of the Catania Science Gateway Framework and some of its implementations are the subjects of this webinar which is jointly organised and supported by CHAIN-REDS, eI4Africa and EGI-InSpire projects. At the webinar attended more than 30 international experts worldwide. Continue reading

Dr. Irene Pivetti (Chairmain of Only Italia) with Prof.Vito Cappellini (Florence University) (c) Promoter srl archive
Electronic Imaging & the Visual Arts (EVA) @ Florence 2013

Florence hosted an international event that includes a Conference, Workshops, Meetings & an Exhibition. The Electronic Information, the Visual Arts and Beyond (EVA Conferences) are a series of international interdisciplinary conferences mainly in Europe, but also elsewhere in the world, for people interested in the application of information technology to the cultural and especially the visual arts field. Continue reading

Europeana Photography multilingual vocabulary, released and disseminated

The vocabulary has been completed in 12 languages and consists of over 500 concepts in three facets –photographic technique, photographic practice and keywords – that are structured in a multifaceted, hierarchical way. Discussions are on-going with other projects, in particular Linked Heritage, for improvement and further development of the EuropeanaPhotography Vocabulary, that can be a starting point for other valuable multilingual tools to enrich digitization activities (both for photography and for other cultural heritage). Continue reading

Linked Heritage: Seminar on Multilingualism and Terminology

Multilingualism is crucial especially in a European context. The seminar has presented one of the achievement of the Linked Heritage Work Package 3 with the Terminology Management Platform (TMP) and brought together other European and national initiatives creating and developping multilingual terminology resources or tools for managing or reusing them. Continue reading

Linked Heritage plenary meeting in Dublin

The Linked Heritage project (a 30 months Best Practice Network project founded by the EC) now draws to the end of its life and in Dublin the partners will have the possibility to discuss the latest commitments in view of … Continue reading

5th Federated identity management for research communities (FIM4R) Meeting

Federated identity management (FIM) in general and federated identity management for research communities (FIM4R) is an arrangement that can be made among multiple organisations that lets subscribers use the same identification data to obtain access to the secured resources of all organisations in the group. Specifically in the various research communities there is an increased interest in a common approach to FIM as there is obviously a large potential for synergies. Continue reading

EGI Community Forum 2013 in Manchester

Between 8th and 12th of April 2013, and UK NGI, a partnership between GridPP and the National e-Infrastructure Service (NES), hosted the Community Forum 2013. The event, which was hold in Manchester in conjunction with the 3rd EMI Technical Conference, was very successful and provided a great opportunity to reflect upon the growing diversification in usage of the European Grid Infrastructure from across all research disciplines as well as the widening international collaboration that is taking place. Continue reading

EAGLE project kick-off meeting

On April the 2nd 2013, the Accademia dei Lincei hosted the EAGLE Kick-off Meeting, a very successful event which brought together more than 20 cultural institutions and archives, universities, research centres and innovative SMEs coming from all over Europe, including the director of Europeana Foundation – Jill Cousins – and representatives of Wikimedia Italy. Continue reading

Grids and Clouds symposium in Taipei (ISGC 2013)

ISGC 2013 brought together from the Asia-Pacific region and around the world, researchers that are developing applications to produce these large-scale data sets and the data analytics tools to extract the knowledge from the generated data, and the e-infrastructure providers that integrate the distributed computing, storage and network resources to support these multidisciplinary research collaborations. Continue reading