Area: digital heritage

Collaboration between INCULTUM pilot in Portugal and University of Seville

images courtesy of University of Algarve. The Portuguese pilot of INCULTUM over the Campina de Faro (Algarve) launched a collaboration with professors and students of Architecture at the University of Seville, started with a study and fieldwork in Portugal in … Continue reading

RURITAGE Project webinar 12th May 2022

In this online event, participants learn how to use RURITAGE Resources Ecosystem, the project’s digital hub that gathers information, data and methodologies that were created and applied during the RURITAGE project. It serves as an online hub for rural regeneration, … Continue reading

Presentation of EU Study on Quality in 3D Digitisation of Tangible Cultural Heritage

On the occasion of the International Day of Museums, the European Commission is calling for the final presentation of the #VIGIE2020_654 Study Quality in 3D Digitisation of Tangible Cultural Heritage. Topic: Presentation of EU VIGIE2020/654 results: Study on Quality in 3D … Continue reading

Digital Museums: Hype or Future?

Research project of MA students in the Museums in Context course at the Erasmus University Rotterdam, MA Cultural Economics led by professor Trilce Navarrete. Authors: Tessa de Boer, Emmy Hermans, Julia Rokos During the first lockdowns of the Covid-19 pandemic … Continue reading

INCULTUM Pilot in Portugal presented at Taller de Arquitectura Iberia Sur

Professors Desidério Batista of University of Algarve delivers a presentation in a seminar at Taller de Arquitectura Iberia Sur on May 13, 2022 with the lecture: “Recreation farms as one of the most recognizable features of the landscape in Portugal. … Continue reading

Study on quality in 3D digitisation of tangible cultural heritage

This unique study on 3D digitisation demonstrates that complexity and quality are fundamental considerations in determining the necessary effort for a 3D digitisation project to achieve the required value of the output.The overall aim of this study is to improve … Continue reading

RURITAGE Summer School dedicated to heritage-based regeneration at regional level

The 3-days Summer School, arranged within RURITAGE project by Savonia University of Applied Science, will be delivered in presence at the Savonia University (UAS), Kuopio Finland on 9-13 May 2022. It will include both lectures, study visits and interactive workshops … Continue reading

NEMO webinar on using cultural heritage to foster social cohesion: the MEMEX project

On April 27, NEMO (the Network of European Museum Organizations) organized a webinar focusing on the use of cultural heritage to promote social cohesion by strengthening historically under-represented communities. For the occasion, the experts of the MEMEX project will be … Continue reading

Newly released RURITAGE “Travelling Voices” book

  INCULTUM and RURITAGE projects have in common a keen focus on empowering marginal and rural areas in the promotion of their cultural and natural heritage, which not only needs to be safeguarded but also leveraged for communities-driven sustainable development. … Continue reading

Digital Storytelling Festival

The online Digital Storytelling festival will take place from 10 May to 12 June 2022, hosted by Europeana and The Heritage Lab, the two non-profit organizations based in Europe and India with a common interest in storytelling and culture. The … Continue reading