Area: digital heritage

The heritagization of the emigration from China

PAGODE – Europeana China is proud to host an expert blog written by dr. Martina Bofulin, Slovenian Migration Institute, Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts. The blog explains how legacies from Chinese emigration are now taken … Continue reading

Cultural Heritage as Oxygen in Times of Crisis

From 27th October 2020 to 30th October 2020, the ROCK Open Knowledge Week will take place online on the topic: Cultural Heritage as Oxygen in Times of Crisis. After the annulation of the conference in Bologna, scheduled on 14-15 May, … Continue reading

Leveraging the power of AI for European cultural heritage

AI will now be well-versed in cultural heritage due to a new EU-funded project called Saint George on a Bike. Composed of researchers from the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) and Europeana Foundation, the project has begun training natural language processing … Continue reading

Museums and Social Responsibility – Values revisited

Within the framework of Germany’s presidency of the Council of the European Union, NEMO and the German Museums Association are co-organising the online conference Museums and Social Responsibility – Values revisited from 17-18 September 2020. The conference will focus on what social … Continue reading

waves British Library
Unlocking Our Sound Heritage, a UK project led by the British Library

The British Library is home to the UK’s sound archive, an extraordinary collection of over 6.5 million recordings of speech, music, wildlife and the environment. These recordings, from the UK and around the world, date from the birth of recorded … Continue reading

HCOMP Conference on Human Computation and Crowdsourcing – Blue Sky Ideas

The Conference on Human Computation and Crowdsourcing (HCOMP 2020) invites submissions to a special “Blue Sky Ideas” track. HCOMP is the home of the human computation and crowdsourcing community. It’s the premier venue for presenting latest findings from research and … Continue reading

Web-EuroMed2020 on Digital Cultural Heritage

The newly established UNESCO and European Research Area (ERA) Chairs on Digital Heritage are announcing the International Web-Conference EuroMed 2020 dedicated to Digital Cultural Heritage Documentation, Preservation and Protection This unique conference is in cooperation with the European Parliament, the … Continue reading

Nelson Mandela Foundation is promoting the preservation of Madiba’s legacy

Text by Caterina Sbrana. The Nelson Mandela Foundation (NMF), founded in 1999 by Nelson Mandela also known as Madiba, is a non-profit organisation committed to promoting Madiba’s living legacy through the collection of all documentation scattered throughout the world. The … Continue reading

The ICCROM webinar “Heritage and Sustainability in Post COVID-19 World – Building Back Better”

The International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property (ICCROM) had organized a very interesting webinar, on Thursday 2nd July, in which the sector of cultural Heritage was called to reflect on the actions to … Continue reading